Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
422 lines
code32 segment para public use32
assume cs:code32, ds:code32
; define externals
include pmode.inc ; protected mode externals
include xmouse.inc ; xmode mouse externals
include xmode.inc ; xmode externals by matt pritchard
include 3d.inc
include irq.inc
include stars.inc
include font.inc
include file.inc
include macros.inc
include equ.inc
include sphere.inc
include icon.inc
include gamecolr.inc ; dac palette
include objects.inc ; table of shapes/colours
include stuff.inc ; ending screen stuff
public _main
push offset defpal
call fadeoffpalette
call setup_env ; set up file envirionment (eg c:\temp\thisprog.exe )
pushw xmode
pushw xactual
pushw yactual
pushw pages
call set_vga_modex
cmp ax,-1 ; test for error in setting videomode
jne getout
call wipeoffpalette
; call set_pmirq ; select irq:use one or the other
call set_rmirq
; push offset gamecolr
; pushw 0
; pushw 255
; pushw 1
; call load_dac_registers
call setupbase
call initpages
call initfont
call show_mouse
;block 0,0,319,399,14
;call flip_page
;block 0,0,319,399,14
comment $
call flip_page ; example of how to draw a single polygon
p1x equ -50
p1y equ -50
p2x equ -90
p2y equ 70
p3x equ 60
p3y equ 80
mov x1,p1x
mov y1,p1y
mov x2,p2x
mov y2,p2y
call fakeline
mov x1,p2x
mov y1,p2y
mov x2,p3x
mov y2,p3y
call fakeline
mov x1,p3x
mov y1,p3y
mov x2,p1x
mov y2,p1y
call fakeline
mov colq,7
mov steel,-1
call poly_fill
call flip_page
mov esi,o runscreen ; this uses the new font/screen setup routines
call tstring
mov esi,o runtext
call tstring
push o gamecolr
call fadeonpalette
mov si,cameraobject ; set the camera position
mov bx,0 ; camera angle
mov cx,0
mov bp,0
call set_angle
mov ebx,100000 ; camera position
mov ecx,25000
mov ebp,-315000
call put_object
mov si,1 ; now place 1st object
mov ebx,-26000 ; to this position (x,y,z)=ebx,ecx,ebp
mov ecx,65000 ; locations are 32 bit
mov ebp,0
call put_object ; plop..
mov bx,0 ; angles are 16 bit
mov cx,0
mov bp,0
call set_angle ; duhhh...i wonder what this call does...
call set_object_on ; turn object si on (make visible)
mov userotate[esi],0 ; full rotations for this object (0)
mov ax,0
call set_shape ; set object si to shape ax
mov ebx,000245100h ; x,y,z angular velocities
mov ecx,000591500h ; high word = number of turns/revolutions
mov ebp,000742300h ; lo word = final angle (position)
mov di,28000 ; di = time to twist there (total frames)
call twist_si ; set angular velocity
call set_finala ; set final anglular position (pre-calculation)
mov ebx,o nullpalette ; set cross referencing palette (null)
call set_xref_palette
mov si,2
mov ebx,130000
mov ecx,0
mov ebp,50000
call put_object
mov bx,0
mov cx,1000
mov bp,7000
call set_angle
call set_object_on
mov userotate[esi],0
mov ax,1
call set_shape
mov ebx,000342000h
mov ecx,000624000h
mov ebp,000130000h
mov di,44000
call twist_si
call set_finala
mov ebx,o nullpalette
call set_xref_palette
mov si,3
mov ebx,50000
mov ecx,70000
mov ebp,20000
call put_object
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
mov bp,0
call set_angle
call set_object_on
mov userotate[esi],0
mov ax,2
call set_shape
mov ebx,000310124h
mov ecx,0ffbc2340h
mov ebp,000530100h
mov di,16000
call twist_si
call set_finala
mov ebx,o nullpalette
call set_xref_palette
mov si,4
mov ebx,50000
mov ecx,-50000
mov ebp,-20000
call put_object
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
mov bp,0
call set_angle
call set_object_on
mov userotate[esi],0
mov ax,3
call set_shape
mov ebx,000600000h
mov ecx,0fff23400h
mov ebp,000100000h
mov di,11000
call twist_si
call set_finala
mov ebx,o nullpalette
call set_xref_palette
mov si,5
mov ebx,-70000
mov ecx,30000
mov ebp,-40000
call put_object
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
mov bp,0
call set_angle
call set_object_on
mov userotate[esi],0
mov ax,4
call set_shape
mov ebx,000200000h
mov ecx,000100000h
mov ebp,0ffa00000h
mov di,12000
call twist_si
call set_finala
mov ebx,o nullpalette
call set_xref_palette
mov si,6 ; this next object is the bitmaped
mov ebx,-50000 ; cube, remove this and see the speed of
mov ecx,-30000 ; only vectors
mov ebp,10000
call put_object ; note: the bitmaps take a lot of cpu time
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
mov bp,0
call set_angle
call set_object_on
mov userotate[esi],0
mov ax,5
call set_shape
mov ebx,000300000h
mov ecx,000700000h
mov ebp,000500000h
mov di,13000
call twist_si
call set_finala
mov si,7 ; stand alone bitmap - good for smoke or
mov ebx,-5000 ; explosions
mov ecx,5000
mov ebp,25000
call put_object ; set location
call set_object_on ; turn it on
mov ax,0 ; zeroth bitmap is shape
call set_shape ; will load from bitbase[0]
mov vxs[esi*2],50 ; bitmap scaling (gets added to bitx and bity)
mov vys[esi*2],50 ; bitmap scaling
mov userotate[esi],himap ; it's a bitmap (32)
mov ebx,eyexq
mov ecx,eyeyq
mov ebp,eyezq
mov di,eyetime
mov esi,cameraobject
call move_si
call set_finall
mov si,1 ; follow first object
mov di,55 ; 55 frames to get there
call newfollow
mov bitx+4*0,15 ; base bitmap scaling
mov bity+4*0,15
mov bitbase+4*0,o sphere
mov bitx+4*1,15 ; base bitmap scaling
mov bity+4*1,15
mov bitbase+4*1,o icon
; mov eyezadds,50 ; make the camera rotate along it's z axis (just for fun)
; mov esi,cameraobject
; call set_finala
call reset_raster_count ; done before any animation loop!!!
call init_tables ; initialize 3d vector stuff
; mov si,5 ; an example of how to use point_time
; mov ebx,-10000 ; si = obj, bx,cx,bp = location, di = time
; mov ecx,-30000
; mov ebp,90000
; mov di,150
; call point_time
; the main loop...
; mov si,6 ; try uncommenting this!, this will point
; mov di,cameraobject ; the bitmapped cube at the camera. also
; call point_it ; uncomment it below, at ieox3:
; mov eax,your_problem ; debugging tool!!!!
; mov number_eax,eax
; call put_at_top
; add y_angle_of_sun,150 ; watch the red ring carefully! the sun will move around the room!
mov si,6 ; move cube around...si - object
mov ebp,15000 ; ebp = speed (make it faster!)
mov di,600 ; di = total time (not in calculation)
call set_speed ; move object in direction it is pointing
call set_finall ; then calculate final position (not important as long as it keeps moving)
call look_at_it ; make camera look at selected object
call setsincose ; set rotation multipliers for eye
call show_stars ; plot background stars
call makeobjs ; plot all objects in sides table
cmp eyelcount,0
jnz dontmoveeye
inc w eyeloc
and w eyeloc,3
movzx esi,w eyeloc
mov ebx,eyexq[esi*4]
mov ecx,eyeyq[esi*4]
mov ebp,eyezq[esi*4]
mov di,eyetime[esi*2]
mov esi,cameraobject
call move_si
call set_finall
; call instant_mouse ; plot mouse on screen
call flip_page ; flip video pages
call clear_fill ; clear video memory (last screen)
call resetupd ; reset borders
;mov ax,traces_past ; show number of traces past per re-draw
;mov number_eax,eax
;call put_at_top
call updvectors ; move objects around, rotate them
in al,60h ; test keyboard
cmp al,1
jne ieox
in al,60h ; test keyboard
cmp al,1
je ieox2
mov ax,w temp
cmp ax,6
jge ieox4
inc w temp
inc ax
mov si,ax ; ax = object
mov di,55 ; di = time to get there (# of frames)
call newfollow
call reset_raster_count ; done because esc key pressed!!!
jmp ieox
; this is the part where the cube speeds away from you...and the program ends
call reset_raster_count ; done before any animation loop!!!
mov zadds[6*4],-12000 ; make cube move!
mov lcount[6*2],220 ; set counter 12000*220 = distance
; mov si,6 ; try this!!
; mov di,cameraobject
; call point_it
mov wherelook,6 ; force to look at sphered cube
call look_at_it
call setsincose
call show_stars ; plot background stars
call makeobjs
call flip_page
call clear_fill
call resetupd
call updvectors
in al,60h ; test keyboard
cmp al,1
je getout
mov ax,lcount[6*2] ; check end counter (done flag)
cmp ax,0
jne ieox3
call reset_rmirq ; use one or the other, could use both if
; call reset_pmirq ; needed but delete inc traces_past from pmode
jmp endpage ; jump to stuff.inc for ending
temp dw 1 ; next object to look at, for this demo only
eyeloc dw 0 ; indexer for camera (this demo only)
eyexq dd 195000,180000,-240000,-280000
eyeyq dd -30000,25000,-35000,30000
eyezq dd -270000,310000,240000,-220000
eyetime dw 220,254,220,180
public objbase ; make sure these are here even if you don't
public bitbase ; use them. tlink will fail if not present.!
public bitx
public bity
numberofobjects equ 32 ; number of 3d objects to allocate space for
numberofbitmaps equ 32 ; number of 3d bitmaps to allocate space for
align 4
objbase dd numberofobjects*4 dup (0) ; memory locations of shapes (offsets)
bitbase dd numberofbitmaps dup (0) ; memory locations of bitmaps
bitx dd numberofbitmaps dup (0) ; x base size of bitmaps (for 3d)
bity dd numberofbitmaps dup (0) ; y base size of bitmaps
code32 ends